The first week of June we drove to North Carolina to celebrate Granny's life and home-going.
{Granny} was an amazing person and we miss her!
Our travels in Facebook Status Updates:
We're in the car, headed for North Carolina. Prayers, calls, and texts welcome!
(I also have a yard work task that needs to be completed for the trash on Thursday, if anyone is available to help.)
June 7 at 4:40am via iPhone
1,000 miles to go. (211 down)
June 7 at 7:47am via iPhone
Hello, Mississippi!
June 7 at 11:12am via iPhone
Hello, Alabama!
June 7 at 12:13pm via iPhone
605.5 miles to go. Halfway point.
June 7 at 2:48pm via iPhone
Hello, Georgia!
June 7 at 4:43pm via iPhone
Hello, South Carolina!
June 7 at 7:16pm via iPhone
Just saw an 18-wheeler completely engulfed in flames. Prayers for the driver.
June 7 at 8:45pm via iPhone
P.S. In an unrelated event, God still answers prayer... in case you were doubting.
June 7 at 8:49pm via iPhone
200 miles to go.
June 7 at 8:54pm via iPhone
Hello, North Carolina!!!!
June 7 at 9:08pm via iPhone
We made it!
June 8 at 12:00am via iPhone
We had a memorial service for Granny on Wednesday afternoon. It was a beautiful time of remembering her humor, her generosity and her love for her family. Daniel Pierce, Jeremy's youth leader, told a story of her arriving in heaven and being greeted by those who were blessed by her faithful generosity. He told about a boy who was undergoing cancer treatments in a neighboring town that Daniel was able to visit regularly because of her giving. He told of several other real life people who were blessed because of her life. I'm sure that hearing that account will leave an impression on my heart forever.
A handful of the cousins being kids at the memorial service.
Immediately after the memorial service, they fed us a delicious meal at the chapel.
Feeding us seemed to be a common theme the entire week. The Williams family was showered with all kinds of compassion and care and that included making sure that we were heartily fed. It was a huge blessing.
Jeremy's Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Ronnie came to visit us all. It was fun getting to know them and getting to introduce them to Justus and Lexi.
Lexi is pretty enamored with her baby girl cousin, Claire.
Lexi reading "The Monster at the End of This Book" with Nana. Over and over.
One of my favorite parts of the week was sitting on the front steps with Nicki, my sis-in-law, while the kids went to the neighbors' to watch him shoot off fireworks. We watched fireworks and chatted. I really loved seeing fireflies out in their big front yard!
The next day, Nicki and I went to Granny's apartment to pack up her clothes and shoes for Nancy. She was always well-dressed and well-accessorized. We all used to tease her about her love for shoes and her huge shoe collection. The shoe-love is being passed down through the generations. But we had to laugh because we had no idea the BELT collection that Granny had! It put her shoe collection to shame. And it made us smile.
Rob and Brooke came out with their girls. It was great to see them again. Jeremy and Rob grew up at camp together. And we both went to college with him, too.
Daddies and their girlies
Rob and Stephen, Jeremy's brother, are pretty tight, so they posed for some nice family pics together. When we were done, they all wanted a crazy picture together. This cracked me up and it's extra funny that Lexi managed to sneak into their family photo.
My fav
Lexi reading more stories with Nana.
Lexi adores her Uncle Stephen. He teases her just the right amount, but also makes sure he compliments her too. He's a pretty special guy!
Soren, Justus, and Sawyer... Cousins and friends.
I love this pic of them!
It was a really sweet time of remembering Granny and enjoying each other. More than once we all commented on how great it was that we had had such a good time being all together with Granny at our house in March. You can check it out {here} and {here}.
The Entire Williams Crew |
Our travels in Facebook Status Updates:
On the road again...
June 10 at 10:59am via iPhone
Howdy, South Carolina!
June 10 at 2:30pm via
Dana Williams was at Starbucks.
June 10 at 2:54pm via iPhone
Howdy, Georgia!
June 10 at 4:25pm via iPhone
Howdy, Alabama!
June 10 at 7:35pm via iPhone
Justus is explaining Room Service to Lexi! - with Jeremy Williams at Embassy Suites Montgomery Alabama
June 10 at 8:45pm via iPhone
Justus is freaking out a bit because there's no door on the shower. Lexi is freaking out a bit cause there's no tub. June 11 7:34am
Lexi (giving thanks at breakfast): ... help Paige take care of my dog named Bella. Thank You for this HEAVENLY........... breakfast!
June 11 at 8:49am via iPhone
On the road. 661 miles to knock out today.
June 11 at 9:57am via iPhone
Oh, hey, Mississippi.
June 11 at 12:42pm via iPhone
Howdy, Louisiana!
June 11 at 3:15pm via iPhone
Hello, Texas! I {heart} you!
June 11 at 7:04pm via iPhone
To quote what my dad always said after a trip, "Home again. Home again. Jiggity jig!"
June 11 at 9:16pm via iPhone
Thank you Dana for such a sweet remembrance of our time together. What a bittersweet time it was. We have so much to be thankful for. I am overwhelmed by His love and the outpooring of love from friends and family!!! I was especially blessed that we could all be together in March with Granny and again in June to rejoice in her Homegoing!!! We all will miss her terribly but what wonderful memories we have of her.